How to get there?
eID Forum Partners
Meet our Speaker: Hildegard Ferraiolo
Hildegard Ferraiolo is a Senior Computer Scientist at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) where she is the lead for the U.S. Government ID program activities including the recent completed revision 2 of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201-the standard for identity verification of federal employees and contractors.
Hildegard co-authored and developed several NIST publications in the FIPS 201 standard suite – including SP 800-157 Derived PIV Credentials for Mobile Devices.
Prior to leading the PIV Program, Hildegard launched the NIST Personal Identity Verification test program (NPIVP), resulting in the full accreditation of ten independent test laboratories and (to date) validation of over 70 PIV Middleware and Card applications products.
eDebate: The DNA of different approaches
Short term it seems that we struggle with the trust of companies vs trust in governments and companies also come from different legal systems, which adds or rips off their trustworthiness. In ten years’ time we need to be ready for larger change through quantum computing as the disruption will be instantaneous, but the recovery rather slow.