How to get there?
eID Forum Partners
Meet our Speaker: Ofer Ishai
CEO of the independent consulting firm Mimshak (meaning "interface" in Hebrew), founded in 1985.
Involved in the Israeli eID project from its beginning, including design and implementation of the national Population Registry for the Ministry of Interior, as the basis for ID and Passport issuance, and border control.
In the e-Gov unit of the Israeli government CIO was involved with the PKI systems for the eID card, including authentication and digital signatures. Designed the Identity Management system for citizens, business and gov. employees, with eID and mobile ID.
Specified and implemented the 1st generation of the Israeli government employees' smart card in 2001, and the 3rd generation currently deployed.
Edited the Israeli Government Smart Card Standard documents.
Consultant for the Central Election Committee for the parliament (Knesset) in Israel.
Consulted the Ministry for Social Equality on the issuance of the Senior Citizen card.
Was a chairman of 3 expert sub-committees in the Israeli Standards Institute (smart cards, electronic signatures, biometrics).
Prepared strategic "IT master-plans" for the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Transportation, Israeli Police, Israeli Prison Authority, Ministry of Energy, Tel-Aviv municipality engineering division, and other organizations.
Holds a first and second degree in Computer Science, and a first degree in Business Administration, from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Participated in EU funded projects and conferences.
Currently involved in Innovation and Strategy at the e-Gov unit.
Special interests: Music, trekking, meeting people.
eTalk: A stairway to e-Heaven
By Ofer Ishai, Advisor to the Prime Minister's Office, Israel
Looking back at the past 30 years, in the field of identity and online services, a tremendous progress has been made. Specifically, the identification, authentication and digital signature concepts, have created many expectations for a better, accessible and easier communication channels between the citizens, business and governments.
Analyzing the current status of these developments, and looking at the future as far as we can imagine it, it is a good time to assess what is the road that we going on and where will it lead to. Will it empower the citizens, or the state? Will it enhance better inter-relations between citizens of different continents and counties? How will the implementation of AI, machine learning, chat-bots, robots and other capabilities, affect our lives, as human beings?
Are we climbing up the right stairs to an eHeaven?
The past – where did come from?
The present – what to do next?
The future – The ABC of I