An eID Forum delegation participated in the DSA Cross Atlantic Seminar, organised on March 14 at DSA headquarters in Washington, DC, where the fast-growing digitalisation movement of security printed documents was discussed.
Tony Poole, DSA President and Committee Chairs, opened the well-attended seminar (100 delegates) with introductions and a DSA update. Kjell Olav Skogen, Founder and CEO of Commfides, gave a speech on ”eID – The core of Digital Scandinavia”. Kimmo Pylväs, TRAFICOM, and Margus Arm and Mark Erlich, both Estonian Information System Authority also participated on the agenda together with eID Forum Chairman, Konstantin Papaxanthis.

DSA is an official partner to the eID Forum and the two organisations are collaboratively working together on sharing and spreading the news on matters related to digital ID and digitalisation of security printed documents.